Last week ,Mrs. Kegelman's Reading Club read and summarized ,one of my favorite stories, When The Doorbell Rang by Pat Hutchins. Mrs. Kegelman gives Tyrese a great big Thumbs Up ! Tyrese took When The Doorbell Rang Home, read it to his mom and added it to his Reading Log. Way to Go,Tyrese!
This week, Farid, Isaiah and Tyrese read a great story, How The Chick Tricked The Fox. Yes! You read it right; a small little chick tricks the sly fox! How? Ask the boys when you see them. They will tell you how it all happened. Way to Go Boys!
Mrs. Durant's Reading Club is reading a fun story, Tie Dye. Can you make a prediction on what the story is about by the title? Make your prediction and tell someone in Mrs. Durant's Reading Club. They will tell you if your prediction was correct! Great Job, Mrs. Durants's Reading Club!
If you are interested in reading either of the books, stop by Room 5 and ask Mrs. Kegelman or Mrs. Durant.